A few photos I took of some haunts of my youth in Lynchburg, Va. Jones Memorial Library and Garland Rhodes School both abandoned and weathering away.The Library was my first introduction to the world of literature with its imposing facade and engravings of the greats. As a kid I used to study in its Reading Room. Garland Rhodes School was my home for First and Second Grades. Girls entered at one entrance and Boys at the other. We had the old wooden desks from the late 19th Century with inkwells and plenty of graffiti carved in the desktops. The Farmer's Market was a Saturday morning tradition. Farmers from the county brought their produce.

Jones Memorial Library -- the Main Entrance

Jones Memorial Library -- cornices

Jones Memorial Library --- Colonnade

Jones Memorial Library

Jones Memorial Library --- cornice

Jones Memorial Library -- Terrace

Garland Rhodes School --- my old Elementary School

Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market